From the outset, Featurespace demonstrated extensive experience in fraud prevention
Círculo de Crédito began operations in 2005 as a Credit Information Society (SIC) focused on promoting and supporting sectors that did not participate in other societies, such as the middle and lower socioeconomic levels, which has consolidated them as the Credit Information Society of Financial inclusion in Mexico.
“We have been working for over 20 years to develop Círculo de Crédito with a clear goal: to be the credit information society of inclusion. And we have achieved it, as we currently manage the information of more than 80 million Mexicans and actively contribute to the generation of solutions so that more people have access to credit,” said Ruiz Palmieri after receiving the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award granted by Featurespace.
Download the Círculo de Crédito Hero Story
The integration and design of ARIC Risk Hub was always focused on first-person fraud because we wanted to maintain the essence and objective for which ARIC Risk Hub was designed, which is focused on detecting patterns with a low presence rate in the total set of events.
Additionally, fraud has always been a behavior that changes continuously; it never stabilizes or becomes a set of static characteristics. This is because fraudsters look for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in any process and attack them. And when these vulnerabilities are removed, the fraudster will look for the next open door to attack.
This is where Adaptive Behavioral Analytics helps us to identify the common attack patterns and continuously reviews and updates to identify new patterns that could be exploited and that was not previously known.